'use strict'
* @module 3d-adjacency
* @description this module outputs sets of cells of which
* are adjacent to one another. see `.find`
const Cluster = require('./cluster')
const Mass = require('./mass')
* find contingent clusters in a 3d array. touching entities
* with truthy values are considered `Mass`. a collection
* of mass is a `Cluster`. entites are touching IFF they share
* a face (that is, a piece of mass may at most have 6 adjacent
* neighbors)
* @param {array[][]} arr
* @param {object} opts
* @param {function} [opts.isAdjacent] custom function to decide whether cells
* are adjacent or not. defaults to `truthy`
* values === adjacent. fn gets cell value,
* and must return truthy value
* @returns {array} e.g. [ [{x:0,y:0,z:1}], [{x:3,y:3,z:3},{x:4,y:3,z:3}]]
function find(arr, opts) {
var opts = opts || {}
var isAdjacent = opts.isAdjacent || ((v) => v)
var knownMass = {} // { 000: 1, 001: 2 } ==> { address: value }
var clusters = []
var clust
var value
for (var x = 0; x < arr.length; ++x) {
for (var y = 0; y < arr[0].length; ++y) {
for (var z = 0; z < arr[0][0].length; ++z) {
value = arr[x][y][z]
if (isAdjacent(value) && !knownMass.hasOwnProperty(`${x}${y}${z}`)) {
knownMass[`${x}${y}${z}`] = value
clust = new Cluster({
domain: arr,
root: new Mass({ domain: arr, x, y, z, value }),
return clusters
const SORT_PROPS = ['x', 'y', 'z']
* sorts nodes. see `sort`
* @param {object} ma { x, y, z } node
* @param {object} mb { x, y, z } node
* @returns {number} -1/0/1
function nodeSorter(ma, mb) {
let axis
for (var n in SORT_PROPS) {
axis = SORT_PROPS[n]
if (ma[axis] < mb[axis]) return -1
if (ma[axis] > mb[axis]) return 1
// generally, 0 means we have two identically addressed
// nodes. this is viably an error case, FYI!
/* istanbul ignore next */
return 0
* sort a cluster set, where x, y, z values rank
* higher in the sort, respectively
* @param {array[]} clusterSet array of clusters
* @returns {array} sorted clusterSet
function sort (clusterSet) {
clusterSet = clusterSet.map(clust => clust.sort(nodeSorter))
return clusterSet.sort((cla, clb) => {
return nodeSorter(cla[0], clb[0])
module.exports = {